Monday 19 March 2018

How Secure is Salesforce?

Cloud might seem like an open bank vault just wait until try to be robbed. After all, it is basically a large database of sensitive information, that plays an important role in our daily routine. As such, it seems too obvious that if you wish to keep your crucial data safe, you keep it simple where you can preserve it ' that means on-site and stay away from the cloud. But even if the truth that can be assumed; Not that much, really; Yes, it is theoretically possible to hack into a cloud, but the same risk exists in any of the databases. The fact is that a cloud-based infrastructure has proven itself to be more secure and more reliable choice for even the largest companies, with 64% of enterprises noting that cloud is a completely secure solution than the legacy system. Even though security issues are the main concern of companies and adoption of cloud computing solution, the survey by RightScale shows 87% of businesses who have been used the cloud do not rate security as one of the top five concerns. In the following section, we are going to discuss how Salesforce solution becomes most secure and much more information in detail.

What Makes Salesforce a Great Solution in The Market?

  • We provide the absolute complete CRM solutions
  • We start improving the business performance across the board
  • We provide solutions that are customizable to fit an individual need
  • We offer multiple applications to extend the CRM capabilities
  • We focus so much on innovation
  • We provide all services at their competitive cost

When the cloud is becoming the more trusted data solution for an organization of all sizes, a leader in the cloud computing — Salesforce which is proving itself by driving cloud-based security even further. By making security a top priority, Salesforce will create a fortress for client data and continues to be a leader in the cloud security at scale.

How is Salesforce Secure?

Here are some of the following points to make Salesforce more secure. Let us take a look:

  • Transparency: Salesforce platform knows that trust is an essential part to implement superior cloud storage security. As such, Salesforce offers live data on system performance and then, update on recent phishing attack, malware, or intrusion attempts, so the clients can learn the state of data at any time. Actually, the goal of Salesforce is complete transparency, so that the client can better use CRM solution (Customer Relationship Management) for achieving success, and can feel secure while doing so.
  • Event monitoring: Many times, security is a matter to know exactly what important action occurs within your system as they happen. Salesforce event monitoring allows clients by giving a detailed account of the event at the moment they occur so that problems can be identified and resolved as soon as possible.
  • Multitenancy: Salesforce multitenant platform renders a variety of cloud solutions for several clients. As such, it is very important that users will only be able to access its own organization information. That means Salesforce can use some unique organization identifiers. All these identifiers are assigned with a new session so that your precious data is present only for authorized users to access it.
  • Authentication & Encryption: Salesforce data security stay ahead of curve by supporting Transport Layer Security (TLS) edition 1.0 or above for web browser encryption. As the technology continues to advance rapidly, so do all the threats to digital security. Salesforce continues to prove itself effective as a leader in the cloud security, so that end users do not need to worry about the security of their most valuable data. Also, the free Salesforce Authenticator application is available to all customers for enhancing the data security by using Two Factor Authentication (2FA).
  • Isolation: When people might think of the cloud as an open-source and available to anyone with an internet connection, Salesforce recognizes the best way to protect crucial data is to keep it isolated. Salesforce can host its complete data in the server environment that is totally safe and uses the advanced technology to preserve all unauthorized access. In addition, the Salesforce platform still retains the superior response time regardless of the total number of users.
  • Health check: When it comes towards the digital systems, the truth is that varieties of human error are often the weakest link. Salesforce Security Health Check is programmed to help all clients to identify and correct weak security settings in the network configuration, session settings, password policies, and so on.
  • Knowledge: The Salesforce offers unparalleled data security, but it also shows that true security should be maintained at both ends. To promote the complete security solution, Salesforce continuously sharing the best security practices with every customers and partner, specially tailored to the needs of an organization.

Salesforce will take the security of its client's data very seriously. Moreover, it has been certified with different international standards, containing PCI DSS, ISO/IEC 27001:2005, FISMA, SAS 70 Type II, Eu-US, SysTrust, and Swiss-US Safe Harbor.

How CloudCodes Help in Saving SalesForce Data?

CloudCodes offers various features for Salesforce Data Security. Some of them are discussed below:

  1. Access Control: An organization is facilitated with an approach to have full control over a confidential data accessing by applying some conditional policies. It also helps to stop accessing of organization data on any external device for safety purpose. Further, it makes a list of web browsers where the users can access Salesforce data.
  2. Single Sign-On: Secure Salesforce related programs with a strong and single password. Salesforce data security provides the simplest way to secure multiple applications on one device. It provides single point access for every program from a predefined access. It enables to append several users for single accessing to have an easy monitoring.
  3. Identity Management: This impressive feature provides an identity management. This includes authentication of customers in a real-time for handling the identity data security in an organization. It can implement an easy and simple password policy. It offers multi-factor and biometric authentication too.
  4. Shadow IT: This application is offered with some useful functionality of Shadow IT. This is helpful for balancing a user and enterprise needs by considering the security and compliance as well. It has potential to control over all potential threats such as data leakage. It can track cloud-based application that is currently in use.


As everyone knows, CloudCodes provides different security solutions for home or business users. It will also provide a control point for continuous visibility, threat protection, compliance, and cloud security services. Users can safely work across their cloud services on any device at any time and at the particular location without any limitations. In this blog, we have mentioned how Salesforce is more secure in detail. Furthermore, some unique features of Salesforce data security offered by CloudCodes as explained above.

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