Friday 30 March 2018

Allow Only Approved Messaging Apps For Employees As A Security Exercise

Approved Messaging Apps for Employees

The enterprises must encourage its employees to use approved messaging apps only and educate them about the adverse effects of using unsanctioned apps that lead to data thefts.

A Brief Introduction To Approved Messaging Apps

Anyone who has a Smartphone would undoubtedly know what Facebook or WhatsApp is. These and many other examples are of the social media sites and the messaging services that have engulfed the generation today, that is deeply engrossed in cell phones and these social media sites are here to stay. Facebook has already reached two billion active users worldwide and is still growing by leaps and bounds. WhatsApp has a billion users and Skype has 100 million. Then, you have other sites which have a lesser audience but are popular though like Snapchat, Hangouts, Line etc. Each of these apps has varied user base across various countries depending on the generation and local preferences. Such has been the spell of these sites that each day of an individual starts and ends with their mobiles in their hands. But the perils of having such apps in an enterprise are the security risks that they tend to pose. It is very easy to transfer the confidential data of an enterprise on to these apps for the purpose of work but unfortunately, it sometimes can result in serious data breach incidences. Moreover, employees tend to download many apps without the approval of the IT department for easing out their tasks. Such Shadow IT menace has been ever increasing. Hence, it is necessary that employees use only those apps that have been approved for usage by the IT admin and these essentially form the approved messaging apps in an enterprise.

Cloud Security In An Enterprise

The social media sites and the messaging apps in mobile devices have the potential to sabotage the well-protected security perimeter of the enterprises. It is easy to photograph/record/download/transfer the documents to contacts anywhere across the globe without leaving any physical trace. Many-a-times, enterprises follow the procedure of employees having to deposit their mobiles before entering the office premises. Sometimes, the employees and their belongings are thoroughly searched before they enter or exit the building so that any unauthorized copy is not taken out by any means. These are all the unfair means whose effect is also not fruitful; so it is better that firms go for CASB solutions to put a check on the use of such apps.

Use of Approved Messaging Apps In An Enterprise

As mentioned above, many enterprises prohibit the use of mobiles on their premises. But this cannot be a useful solution. Owning to the advent of cloud technology, it sometimes becomes necessary that employees bring their own devices into the office and this has given rise to the concept of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). For reasons of flexibility, employees get their devices inside, but how do enterprises ensure the security of their confidential data? That is possible by CASB solutions provided by Cloud Access Security Brokers, which helps in preventing employees from accessing unapproved apps from the office premises. The CASB solution keeps a check on the unauthorized apps, thus forcing the employees to use only the corporate approved messaging apps.

4 Steps To Implement The Use of Approved Messaging Apps

Here are the steps needed by the enterprises to encourage its employees to use the approved messaging apps:

  1. Discourage the use of unapproved apps by implementing policy key to all the messaging apps.
  2. Train the staff and enforce policies to ensure messaging security.
  3. Incident reporting when there is usage of unapproved messaging app.
  4. Have security measures in place for approved messaging apps.

Restriction Policies And Guidance For Securing The Messaging Apps

  • The unapproved connections are to be strictly blocked by the enterprises.
  • Work-related messages to be routed through corporate approved messaging apps.
  • Use CASB solutions to secure the messaging apps required by its employees.

CASB Solutions For The Use of Approved Messaging Apps

Deployment of CASB solutions helps enterprises to keep a check on the access of unauthorized applications. BYOD work concept is a must owing to flexibility reasons and here the CASB solutions help enterprises to check for unwanted data transfers between devices, thus imposing restrictions and policies making the employees go in for only the approved messaging apps.

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