Monday 16 April 2018

Security Challenges For Hybrid Cloud And The Resolve Lies In CASB Solutions

Security Challenges For Hybrid Cloud

When both the private cloud and the public cloud as in case of Hybrid cloud have to be data secured independently, then an effective CASB solution is the answer!

Challenges In Managing Data Security In Hybrid Cloud Environment

The enterprises have already invested substantially in their on-premise infrastructure and moving to third-party application like the public cloud all of a sudden means that the huge investments may not fetch desired returns. In such cases, enterprises can best opt for a hybrid cloud model where both the private on-premise infrastructure and the public cloud is utilized to reap the benefits. But, adequate precaution is to be taken when the security of the hybrid cloud is concerned, as follows:

  • Lack of Data Redundancy: The benefit of having the data stored and processed on a public cloud is that it can be accessed anytime anywhere and the service providers have efficient infrastructure to meet these demands. But sometimes, problems like well-publicized outage results in the enterprise left with only a single data center running all the apps. Here, the lack of alternative plans comes to the fore and it is the work of the enterprises to see that they have proper redundancy plans so that the apps are not required to run in a single data center. There can be a serious security risk to the hybrid cloud when the redundant copies are not distributed across the data centers. Redundancy is to be implemented using multiple data centers from a single provider, multiple public cloud providers or hybrid cloud. It is seemingly a tough task to move virtual machines between large data sets than data centers. Hence, it is best that enterprises use multiple data centers from a single cloud provider in the hybrid cloud model thus enhancing the business continuity and mitigating the security risk.
  • Compliance Issues: When it is a hybrid cloud model, then enterprises need to be extra cautious with regard to its security. Enterprises have to see that both their on-premise and public cloud infrastructure are security compliant and the coordinated hybrid model also follows strict security protocols. Like for example, if an enterprise works with the payment card data, then its hybrid cloud representation has to be in compliance with the rules and regulations of the PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard). They have to secure the data that moves across the two on-premises and public cloud model. They have to ensure that the security protocols are in place when sensitive data gets transferred from a submissive private cloud database to the less secure public cloud storage.
  • Poor Service Agreements: When there is a service-level agreement (SLA) between the service provider and the enterprise, it is the former who will meet all the expectations and be responsible for the data security on the public cloud. But, when it comes to the on-premise data security, enterprises usually suffer from lack of it and this will create havoc and lead to data breach cases. Thus, the organizations need to work on this aspect and assess the performance under all workloads seeing to it that the integration of the public cloud and the private cloud models do not suffer due to the poor security design and implementation.
  • Risk Management: It usually happens that the concept of the hybrid model is new to an enterprise and the IT department may not be adequately prepared for its functioning due to lack of knowledge and experience. There are new application programming interfaces and complex network configurations in the hybrid model, which needs to be thoroughly understood, else may pose risk to the enterprise. Hence, enterprises need to give priority to risk management which otherwise may hamper its security.
  • Security Management: There are challenges and intricacies in the integration of the hybrid cloud model and enterprises need to allocate sufficient resources and time into it. Both the environments need to be properly equipped with authentication, access management, and authorization security protocols.

CASB Solutions Rendering Greater Hybrid Cloud Data Security

CASB solutions help enterprises to keep both the clouds synchronized and provide a single integrated service that can effectively secure both of them. Data transfers across both the public and private cloud are secured by CASB solutions, which even help the enterprises to achieve security as well as compliance.

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