Saturday 19 May 2018

4 Major Protocols To Be Followed For Cloud security

4 Major Protocols To Be Followed For Cloud security

Cloud Security is of utmost importance when enterprises make the quintessential transition to the cloud. CASB solutions with advanced DLP capabilities are the go-to for all such concerns.

Cloud Security Concerns

Given the current technological advancements, it makes utmost sense for businesses to adopt cloud technology. But, the improper implementation and the lack of security details is an impediment that may hurt their business prospects and cost them dearly in the long run in terms of financial and client disruptions.

4 Major Protocols To Be Followed For Cloud security By Enterprises

Here, below we list four prime cloud security protocols that the IT teams must espouse for safe cloud storage:

  1. Understanding of Shared Responsibilities between Enterprises and the Cloud Service Provider – The cloud service providers clearly state their responsibilities in the agreement and though it is straightforward, the problem lies with the business houses. They are confused with the model of shared responsibility and shun their responsibilities. It is a clear fact that while the cloud service providers will secure the cloud, the enterprises have to secure what is there on their cloud.
  2. Determining the Business Aspects That Rely on Cloud and Its Associated Security risks – As per reports and surveys, at least 35% of all the business data is present on the cloud and it nearly impossible for the organizations to have full control on its usage in today’s work scenarios. Many-a-times, it happens that the employees, company partners, users, suppliers and customers use cloud-based services that are not officially sanctioned. Before the cloud migration process, enterprises must thoroughly understand the risks associated with it and its own level of risk tolerance. The enterprises very often are very lethargic when it comes to the issues of cloud security. They tend to believe that their current cloud security approach is well in place while it is often the reverse and when a data breach indeed occurs, they find it tough to digest the fact that their cloud data storage service was inept to secure their data on the cloud. It is better that the enterprises run a CASB solution with granular control over cloud usage. All the cloud data protection and other organizational requirements can be met with the efficient deployment of CASB solutions by CloudCodes.
  3. Safe Data Keeping and DLP Measures – With cloud services, it is a given that it can be accessed from any place and hence the company needs to deploy DLP solution to protect the sensitive data that may include intellectual property, source codes and personally identifiable information, to name a few. But cloud technology is not bereft of risks and there are chances that the lack of visibility may lead to data sharing within sanctioned/ unsanctioned apps. So, even after the implementation of security solutions, sometimes, data mishandling will result in unwanted disclosure of sensitive information. This confirms the fact that enterprises do not teach their staff/ users about data safety and its right usage. Thus, it becomes pertinent that enterprises employ an effective CASB solution with advanced DLP capabilities that will cover all such data handling aspects and much more.
  4. Cloud security Protocol Scalability and the Approach of Enterprise Towards It – One aspect that the enterprises oversee is the scalability of their security tools. They need to ponder upon if their security policies and controls can be extended from one cloud-based service to another within their work environment, that too for both the sanctioned and unsanctioned ones. The companies need to doubly ensure that their selected cloud security tools, procedures and security practices will scale up for future growth. They need to have knowledge about the tools and understand how they can be implemented for expansion. Then, the next task is to know the number of sanctioned SaaS applications that will be rolled out in the following years. For this, the enterprises need to think beyond the current SaaS applications that are in use. They need to have proper security measures for unsanctioned apps that may later add value to their business. Hence, it is better that enterprises implement CASB solutions by CloudCodes that will help in easy transition to the cloud.

CASB Solutions are apt for data security concerns and their proper implementation will ensure that the enterprise data remains safe and secure within the cloud security wall.

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