Friday 23 February 2018

Implement Device Restriction Policies for Greater Access Control

Device Restriction Policies

Deploying efficient CASB solution with effective device restriction policy imposed upon can safeguard the cloud systems of any enterprise by attaining greater access control.

The current internet era of today is governed by innovation and robust technologies. Cloud Computing has changed the entire world. Pretty undoubtedly, this cloud computing has emerged as the current boon for all types of big and small firms as all these enterprises can now scale up their systems and extend their services to reach out to global audience. The reach of many businesses has maximized after adopting cloud computing models given the fact that these firms now enjoy free data mobility and propelled growth of their work processes, with proportional control over their systems even remotely, as it is all over cloud. However, all this data resting on cloud somehow reaches the wrong hands and unfortunately, malicious hands as even people with right intent can unknowingly expose the critical data of their firm to people with ill intents, hence the loss.

Implement Device Restriction Policies

What Is Device Restriction?

Device Restriction functionality works on the modus operandi of device block as well as device authorization. This helps in restricting users to access organizational data only on specific devices from where they can login. Access to data on multiple devices for all users can be restricted. This helps in curtailing data leak incidences to a greater level. CCS Device Restriction is that Security Control protocol, which helps the IT teams to restrict access of specific users to specific devices (laptops and desktops) only as per the MAC IDs of those devices. This consists of the aspects given below:

  • Users are restricted to only 1 or a few allowed laptops and desktops only
  • MS Windows support
  • Mac OS support
  • Approval of admin mandatory on the use of devices for comfortable deployment

Why Is Device Restriction Important?

Let us discuss the importance of Device Restriction. The policy of device restriction is usually set on the devices, which are connected with cloud. This could be a great safeguard to have better control over any malicious data transactions and wrong operations while working on cloud-run systems. Surely, companies can very well implement stringent device restriction policies and configure those on all the devices that would be connected to organizations’ cloud networks. With the help of device restriction, IT can restrict users from accessing only configured devices, and not those that are not configured. This can align the network policies; to restrict free data access only to configured devices, thus averting authorized data transactions.

How Do Companies Benefit from Device Restriction?

There are many benefits of Device Restriction, which enterprises can avail. The corporate culture of today in this cloud-run ecosystem has really put forth the way for much greater work flexibility, which has led to the entry to numerous devices being used inside the working systems of organizations, whether big or small. For easing out their work, most employees today in the BYOD era seem to be accessing company’s data over their Smartphones and other devices, like personal laptops as well as their tablets, which they are allowed to carry to workplaces. Seeing this free data access, it’s obvious that such data is evidently being exposed to many wrong hands too. This doesn’t sound feasible to block all of these personal devices collectively, as it would affect the productivity greatly. So, something else has to be thought of, to limit the exposure of data without limiting the use of such devices unanimously. So a way to combat this battle surely comes in the form of device restriction.

CloudCodes CASB Solution with Device Restriction Feature

Our CloudCodes CASB Solutions have device restriction features to bridge these cloud security gaps being seen in the work systems of organizations today. We do this by working as the connecting link between firms prone to data leakages and their cloud service providers. We try to minimize the incidences of such security threats happening due to flexible use of any number of devices. Employing our CASB solution will definitely help your organization to undertake your actions strongly for greater cloud security. Via our access control modules, it is easy to achieve granular control, which is exercised; thus averting data leak incidences. Device Restriction feature is a part of CloudCodes Access Control module.

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